For a greeting card, the making of the notice. It supports handwriting, a laser, an inkjet printer. ●Greeting card ●A standard: Two cards ●Size: 155* vertical 206mm in width ●A number with 1 pack: 50 pieces ※I can download an example template free from exclusive WEB site. ●Materials: Paper ●Paper thickness: Approximately 0.3mm ●Basis weight: 260g/ ●There is no zip code frame How to order in shopping cart
For a greeting card, the making of the notice. It supports handwriting, a laser, an inkjet printer.
●Greeting card
●A standard: Two cards
●Size: 155* vertical 206mm in width
●A number with 1 pack: 50 pieces ※I can download an example template free from exclusive WEB site.
●Materials: Paper
●Paper thickness: Approximately 0.3mm
●Basis weight: 260g/
●There is no zip code frame
How to order in shopping cart